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Alumni Association:

The purpose of this Association shall be to:

  • Develop a spirit of loyalty and cooperation among its members and Excel Christian Academy including the administration, and faculty;

  • Keep its members informed about matters related to the progress, development, and the goals of ECA and of this Association;

  • Recommend to ECA matters deemed important to the growth and general welfare of ECA and this Association;

  • Assist ECA in recruiting prospective students; and

  • Nurture the ties formed by this Association.


New Alumni

On behalf of Excel Christian Academy, congratulations on your graduation! The hard work, all-nighters, and constant multi-tasking has paid off! It is with great pleasure that we welcome each of you to our Alumni Association.

We are ready to help build and strengthen our beloved Excel Christian Academy. To that end, please help the Eagle Nation take the next step by remaining involved in the life of ECA. We can have an immediate impact upon the success of our alma mater, its current students and our alumni community in small and large ways.

We would like to encourage all my fellow alumni to:

Stay connected!

Facebook: If you are not a part of our Excel Christian Academy Alumni Facebook page, join us!


This is a great opportunity for you to learn about upcoming events, keep in touch with old classmates, post updates on news in your world, and more.


Update your profile: A network is only as strong as those who participate in it! If your information is not updated, your former classmates cannot connect with you. Update your profile now!


We welcomes your involvement and participation!


Again, congratulations!



Get Involved

Excel Christian Academy encourages its alumni to get involved. There are many different ways for alumni to participate, whether it’s through volunteering or giving back.


The ECA Alumni Association invites and encourages all alumni to GET INVOLVED in the life of ECA. Support campus events with your presence. Support educational programs with your monetary gift. Support marketing and recruitment efforts by talking with friends, neighbors, co-workers and family about the great educational opportunities at ECA. Support students by becoming a mentor.

Young or old, alumni can give back to their alma mater, and ensure the quality of excellence students have come to expect. If you are a recent graduate and not yet financially secure, you can channel your energy and become involved in a chapter effort. If you are in the height of your career, you can become a mentor and/or make a monetary contribution. If you are retired, you can donate your time through a number of opportunities.

These are just a few ways that YOU can GET INVOLVED and strengthen your involvement with ECA:




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